Tuesday, March 3, 2009

day 1

so today i started my daily routine of morning prayer followed by gym followed by work/class followed by gym again. right now, i just finished going to the gym after morning prayer, and decided to start bench pressing. let's just say i can't even lift my hands in the air because bench pressing owned my muscles. but yeah, this routine should be really good for the BODY and the SOUL. waking up earlier means i can have more time to do stuff, be organized and just in general be more proactive with my days. also, waking up and reading/praying for morning prayer will be a nice breakfast for the soul on top of my normal bible plan that i follow in the afternoon and before i go to sleep. as for the body, i've decided to lift and play bball/racketball mainly in the morning workouts, and to work on abs/legs/booty and run/cardio in my afternoon workouts. we'll see how tired i am at the end of the day. but yeah, doing all this will hopefully tire me out early so i can sleep early, wake up refreshed to start the routine again.

i'm really loving what i'm doing at the moment right now. at this moment, i've got the fan on cooling me off with a nice breeze, the window blinds are down but the glow of the sunlight that's shining through is nicely illuminating the room, i'm reading the pursuit of the holiness, i'm eating awesome sweet plums (my favorite fruit by the way) and listening to clazziquai (just finished listening to "dance", now i'm listening to "speechless"). i feel pretty content.

oh yeah, i guess it's been official for a while, but STSM2k9 has officially started. pretty excited to see what He's got planned this summer. let's pray that God's glory will be made known. oh yeah, please pray for me too.

ps - when did kelly clarkson get so fat by the way?

- BH

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