Frankly, I have no idea why I'm writing this and no idea why I made a blog. If I recall correctly, the last time I blogged or attempted something as such, the result was this crap. But, I guess everyone goes through that kind of a stage in their lives. I really don't know what to expect from this time around. Will I post to vent? to share with others? So many options, but I guess that freedom is what will make blogging "fun", I suppose.
Truthfully speaking, I don't know if anyone will ever read this, and if you happen to be reading this, I'm sure you've run across countless numbers of others who have wondered the same thing. Anyways, I guess for now, I can recount the events of today.
Today was Uganda 2K7's first "official" team meeting, as part of our team commitment. I think there were about 18 or so about us who were able to make it, with the berkeley and amherst members being exceptions. I think other than the less than stable victory over Washington by a field goal, the team meeting went smoothly. I would only say that I'm dissatisfied with not having been able to share about what has been going on in my life, KCM, school, small groups, etc. I think it was humbling and really good (not in me wanting to see others in pain) that many of my teammates went through hard times. Without mentioning specifics, many of them have had many difficulties that have hindered them since our return from Uganda. Honestly, coming back from Uganda has showed me how little I know and how much weaker I am. Some would say that the more you learn, the more you know, but for me, the more I learn, the more I realize that I know little. But yeah, I really felt empathy towards my teammates and realized that being in Uganda really felt like a dream.
Anyways, having our meeting at Grady's house, his parents were gracious enough to cook an awesome dinner for us -- filet mignon and some juicy sausage. After we ate dinner and discussed team stuff, we went to Cerritos to cosmic bowl with Uganda 2k5. Seeing CK, Robin and even Hye-Rim was pretty cool. I forgot if we won or lost, but I think the one thing I realized was that 2k7 has passed and it's time for STSM 2k8.. crazy. After that, the team went to 7-11 and we parted ways, and now I'm at home typing all this junk no one will read whilst being behind in readings for my classes.
That's about all that happened today, but there are a few other random things. I'm really happy that through the course of this year, my roommates and I have been more spiritual with one another. I mean, yeah, we've been roommates for a year or so, and yeah, we're super involved with KCM, but honestly, I feel like we've been just roommates, but not really brothers. That's why I feel blessed that we've started a weekly accountability meeting as well as being brothers as opposed to being just roommates. After all, it renders all the external KCM commitments null, if we're not really internally involved in keeping each other accountable, right??
Other than that, I'm dreading the first two weeks of October which is when all my essays and midterms come up. But on the other hand, the arrival of October also means a couple of other things: beginning of small groups and Thrice.
First, I can say with complete confidence that Thrice is by far my favorite band. For instance, there are many artists and songs and albums that we say we "listen" to and enjoy. But a band like Thrice is like a friend that you grow up with through different parts of your life. It's really crazy how I first started listening to them when I was 14 as a freshman in high school, and how I'm still listening to them at 20 as a junior in college. Not just on my end, but seeing and hearing their music evolve from skate punk Identity Crisis to their ambitious and experimental Alchemy Index really baffles me. No other band for me, combines musicianship, craftiness and lyrical dynamics like Thrice does. That's why I really cannot wait for their new album to come out in October.
Since I'm getting tired, and since this post is getting longer than I expected, I will end this post talking about my small group. So my small group actually just became a total of 5 people (including me). Their names are Nathan (aka natedogg), Joshua (mr. fantan), Jeriel (baby smurf) and David (whom I have not met yet). Honestly, I am so excited and humbled for small groups. I realized that I have been so blessed when the upperclassmen treated me and served me my first two years. Now that I am the one serving and guiding, I really look forward to this because I know for sure God will really bless not only me, but my small group as well. Actually, this is a good place to end this post, because I think I shall (in my next post) segueway into talking about my small group from Uganda. So yeah.. bye.
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